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Monday, October 3, 2011


There are many illusions that have been believed by the people in the world through history. In comparing the allegory of the cave and the matrix, I’ve come to the conclusion that the matrix movie is a more accurate description of the process of giving up illusion and embracing truth. Both texts gave good examples and showed how what the result of giving up illusion and being enlightened. Both showed the trials and tribulation that come with it. The matrix showed that the illusion was false yet was better than the harsh, reality of the world. In the allegory of the cave, Plato spoke about prisoners leaving the cave for a better more enlightened world. In our reality the more knowledge and understanding you obtain the more aware you are of the lies, violence and cruel atrocities happening now also in the pas in future. This the dicideding factor in my division of which was more accurate.
The Atlantic slave trade was one of the worst crimes against humanity the world has ever seen. The African American slaves were torched, put to work for free and millions were killed. They were also indoctrinated and made to believe that light skins were better than dark skin slaves and house slaves were better than field slaves etc. A religion was forced on them and they were stripped of their history. They began to hate one another. The mental slavery the slaves would be afflicted of was even worse. They keep themselves slaves now, killing each other, using drugs, working for slave wages to give back to the master. They believed that being physically free was the greatest thing in the world. When they were freed by Abraham Lincoln for political purposes they celebrated. A lot of them where so scared to provide for themselves and deal with racism that the chose to stay in slavery because it was there comfort zone as harsh as it was. In the matrix cipher became A trader because he fathered the simulated past reality instead of being in a post-apocalyptic world with no sun.  There where slaves that would rather fight than be released into a false reality of freedom.  Neo was similar in some ways. The people where slaves to the machines. Neo chose to take the red pill to be in the real world. Than after finding out the truth, he chose the cruel world instead of the illusion which was a mental slavery.
MY experience in dealing with religious people has shown me that the rather believe that a mystery god makes everything happen. When you teach them about science they say its which craft yet they use it every day for their benefit. It is easier to believe god will do everything for you through prayer than to work also to die and go to heaven. I know you have to work for what you want and need, in all of history No one has ever returned from the grave to tell the living weather he lied or not. The matrix showed clearly the illusion of the system we live in today which is the matrix; the only difference is whose running it.

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