My Blog List

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Blog 9

As I assess my self as a writer I gain lots of insight about my way of thinking and expressing topics. I am an aware of what’s required and I could probably teach someone to write a better essay than I can. I find good topics, but my theses and introductions are to ambigues, which makes it harder for me to expound on the topic. I am a deep thinker who’s good at making relevant arguments. I think logically about what my opponents would say. Application of my knowledge is my biggest problem. I procrastinate and have poor time management skills which affect the consistency and quality of my essays. I think psychologically about this issue and how the essays reflect my life and quality of it. I will apply this to further essay writings and all aspects of life to my best ability and I already see good results. I am very understanding of topics and breaking things down. I learned the difference between high school and GED essays compared to college essays. I thought the thesis had to be comprised of my topic sentences. And it all had to be in the introduction paragraphs. I need to pick more clearly in concise tittles which would make it easier to expound on. I didn’t understand the power and importance of commas and periods. Masterful use of these will make an essay exciting to read or flow smoothly or however else I want the result to be. I need to sharpen up on my, macanics. Need to go back to the basics and renew the basics definitions of nouns, verbs etc. It would be helpful and it’s embarrassing not remembering the definitions of them. I found the blogs very helpful. It allowed me to analyze my writings the text and movies. I have a good memory when it comes to the above. I also take good relevant notes. I developed better observation techniques. I am more aware of he benefits of free writing and brainstorming. MLA citing has helped me become a more credible writer whose knows the importance of proof. I have good variety of words when im writing about a topic. Everything I learned or was reminded of in this class will help me a lot. I don’t stay focused on topic sentences as much as I used to, and I realize that now. I need to improve my computer skills because I have to rush when typing; this causes me to work below my standards. Having random students critique first drafts wasn’t to helpful tome , not just because I didn’t have them. In my opinion there was about 5 students that I think where qualified to help me. My judgments come mainly from class participation. This class helped people in life more than most could imagine. The text where eye openers and realistic. A blind student could escape mental slavery if he carefully read and observed the texts. History, science, math, philosophy and more was in this curriculum. Also business standards and enough occasional lenience. This class followed the syllabus more than any other class I had. I was supposed to be a student. Anything less is clearly my fault and justified. I hope other students realize this. It is helpful. I also learned to grade my own papers to a certain extent. I enjoyed this class and look forward to eng 102.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Blog 7

Journals and blogs are similar by design, but the audience expands when you blog and this brings about different elements in ideas and writing. When I write in journals, I record more of my personal experience, Ideas and Ideals. The fact that it is restricted to the professor reading it gives me more comfort. This enables me to expand on my thinking and not be to politically correct, because I know most people with a high degree of knowledge and understanding of writing won’t take things out of context. I have written my best essays in journals.  The problem was I wish others could read these essays and I felt they went to waste.  This is what I like most about blogs. I can share them with teachers, classmates, family and the world. I can also limit who sees them. The feedback I can and have received has benefited me in a positive way thus far. Being on the computer makes it easier for me to do research on my blog easier and efficiently, When typing I can see how many words I have and use spellcheck, which makes things easier. I don’t type fast, so when I’m on the clock it is a disadvantage to me. Bogs are easier to access and edit. I don’t fully express the topic because I’m worrying about time. The fact that anything on the computer isn’t completely safe causes me to be more contouse of what I type. Limitations decrease the unique quality of my ideas. In some cases it helps because I am forced to use different strategies methods of attract which I wouldn’t of thought of in a journal. This strengthens my argument most of the time. I feel a greater responsibility to perform beyond my expectations and compete with other righters. It is also entertaining too A degree. People don’t comment on my blogs frequently so I don’t get too much feedback, but the potential makes me step my game up unless I’m rushing, which I will stop doing.Blogiong has made me A better writer overall . Blogging takes me out of my comfort zone and alloys me to explore more dynamics of writing. There has to be a balance between Journal writing and blogging to advance a good writer to his greatest capabilities. I will use both exercises to help me achieve greatness. We are in the computer age so I think blogging is an essential form of communication that I want to be good at.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Blog 6

Determinism is the way of the universe and the laws of nature. It is also mathematical. Everything physical correlates with the laws of the universe. One verse. Free will is optional when it comes to knowledge wisdom and understanding which are imminent. We the choice we have but our destinies are definite. That’s what separates us from everything else in the universe. Our minds are God when at the highest level. Theres one mind. We all control different aspects of it. The reason while there is prophets are because some people are in tune with the future. It takes the one to come and decipher the prophecies. We can’t change the grand scheme of things but we have control and choice when it comes to our ways and actions, works and deeds. In the movie minority report john couldn’t change his destiny but his intentions changed. Free will is on a mental leave.  He dint kill the guy who he thought killed his soon purposely. He had a choice, and the outcome was the same but he had a choice of his mentality and intentions which we are judged by. Oedipus tried to change his destiny and it still caught up with him. The more you try to change it the faster it seems like it occurs. John and Oedipus both chose to get there physical eyes took. Out to. John did it to hide from his past .Oedipus did not want to see the results of his actions. They where pre-determined. 540-450 Oedipus got the revelation from Theresa’s that he killed Latius his father. It was predicted it would happened and it did. Just like john who was showed who he would kill, he searched and searched and he tried to avoid it but it happened. His way in the future so he got to change his intentions and in reality it wasn’t a murder but the guy was still killed. I feel that determinism and free will work hand and hand. It is balanced like everything else in the universe has polarity. I agree with the scientists in Michael huemers text free will and determinism in the world of minority report who say that freewill and determinism is perfectly compatible. (106). Free will inspires one to question there origins and there future. John went to talk to women to find answers about his future. Oedipus called prophets and the sheep herder to find the truth of his past. Neither one cold change what happened or go back in time. Each action caused a chain of events that was necessary. There free will existed in the fact they had choice of there perceptions and effort to change what happened. Both failed physically, but there minds changed because now they where enlightened. For us to know if determinism was correct or not we would have to be on a metal level where as we over stand all. In real life we don’t have a script o tell us everything that was predetermined. History tells the future, although the situations change. Mathematics is constant one plus one will always be two, but our minds will always have the option of how we add subtract and multiply. .

Monday, October 31, 2011

Essay 1

Essay 1

Jalah Grimes
Eng 101
Dr Luke vasileiou
                                                 The choice of following illusion or accepting reality.

After analyzing my texts such as Plato, Oedipus and the Matrix, which I found the most accurate, has helped me understand the results of enlightenment versus enlightenment. My personal experiences as well as historical illusions had helped me shape my perceptions or reality and the effects it has on the other people. The adjustment to learning the truth is not an easy one. It hasn’t been easy for me, or the majority of people in the texts or throughout history. It has always been more convenient to follow lies than to search for the truth and accept it. Knowledge of its better than the illusionary world, even though it is a harsh reality. There are some people who seek it and some who don’t. There are people who wish to destroy the message or messengers of it. When the truth is revealed it presents different results for different people.
                The Matrix was the most accurate account of giving up illusion and embracing truth compared to the other texts. They all shared a common theme, but it was more clearly displayed in the matrix. In reality, when you discover the truth you realize the cruel and terrible world w alive in Neo made the choice to take the red pill instead of the blue pill for enlightenment. When he learned the truth he embraced it and lived out his destiny as the one. Cipher didn’t share the same fate. He made a deal so he could go back to living a lie instead of the truth. The lie was more convenient than the reality of their world. He even said ignorance is bliss while waiting a steak that he knew wasn’t real. His betrayal and perception represented the majority of people’s thoughts.
                Plato’s interpretations of giving up illusion showed the opposite world get the same struggles as the Matrix. Socrates told Gluconcon examples of how enlightenment affected prisoners. The Prisoners were in the cave and couldn’t see or understand the real world. When they left the dark cave, they experience hardships accepting a better world and adjusting to it. The truth as well as sunlight blinded them to the point that some of them wanted to go back into the cave. That was similar to cipher in the matrix. The difference was the fact that leaving the cave was a utopia and leaving the matrix was a dystopia. A dystopia as seen in #7 shows how blind people can’t see the truth.
                Oedipus the King was a happy man until he learned his foul history and it drove him mad. He thought he earned his position and was a great leader. After finding out about his past he questioned more. Just like Neo questioned the past he questioned the same about his family. He searched for knowledge but couldn’t except it. In 750, 620 it showed how with the truth he still didn’t want to change his mind. His wife and mother Jocasta didn’t want him to question anything and except the lie. 1280, she said it was for him yet she killed herself rather than being exposed. Oedipus blinded himself physically to escape seeing his shame or other people’s reactions. He could still hear voices clearly and replayed it in his mind. This story showed the extremes people will go to when they don’t except the truth.
                Just like Oedipus, history has shown religion can control people to the point where they close their minds. Religion practiced by most people teaches them not to learn from others and their way of life is true and accurate. This clouds people’s judgment and makes them slaves to it. There have been wars, more deaths because of it. These illusions keep people controlled and from seeking true enlightenment which coincides with nature and science. Oedipus believed in gods. His belief in them dictated a lot of his actions for the worst. The crusades were a war lead by people’s perceptions of their religions. Religion has shown us the vicious effects of people  believing in illusions throughout history.
                In my personal experience, I learned that there is no chance for world peace. When I lived up there that illusion, I was passive to the point of being bullied and over optimistic. That slowed my development and kept me blind to certain realities. I sought out knowledge like Neo and Oedipus. It revealed the truth. I handle it in a way of not corrupting myself, but it was a grim outlook. I also taught my friend about it like Socrates did to Gloucon about enlightenment. Belief in illusion has taught me to look at all my personal perceptions.
                The texts, history, and my personal experience all showed the need for enlightenment and effects of it. All of the concepts where the same. I learned to question everything and except truth. Neo, the prisoners, Oedipus and his family all went through struggles when the truth was presented. The Matrix was the most accurate way of displaying the truth over the illusion. All of the texts showed the same concepts. The different concepts in the texts, history, and life can help shape ones perspective of embracing truth and giving up illusion. I chose to accept reality rather than to follow the beautiful illusion.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Blog 5

I don’t think we should alter nature. What is meant to be is. In the begging thins where almost perfect, until man disrupted nature, trying to have more and be superior to other. At one point it wasn’t nessecary because it was enough resources and land for everybody. Now we have to alter certain things to correct things that we changed and altered in the past. The balance of ethics and science is the key to advancing while keeping our humanity and ethics. The Man on the moon by George J. Anna’s was an accurate hypothesis of what humanity would be if we continue to genetically altering living things especially humans. The movie Gattaca was visual proof of what would happen. George J. Anna’s historically showed how people who thought they were superior, whether it was A race, religion culture or creed, tried to conquer the other people and felt justified doing it. Christopher Columbus Thought that his race was superior to the Indians so he murdered, enslaved, and converted them to his religion, and felt justified doing it. Although they had some uncivilized ways, they actually where more civilized then him. They lived a healthier more natural and peaceful life. We all have to have one mind, one way of life, assimilate to one race to stop us from trying to conquer each other. We still would try to conquer each other’s ideas. But done positively and ethically it would yield greet results for the universe. In Gattaca the genetically engineered humans took over and made the natural ones outcasts. The naturals where better because there metaphysical qualities, such as: leadership, will, motivation, innovation, compassion, etc., couldn’t be engineered genetically. Vincent’s dream and drive made him superior to Eugene. Eugene had better genes but made so few mistakes, that he couldn’t learn from them and fulfill his Dream like Vincent, because swimming wasn’t his dream it was what he was designed to do.   The movie gave a frightening visual display of what life could be like if we continue to practice unethical science. Gattaca was a graphic proof of George J. Anna’s argument. On Page 234 he wrote about cloned animals and a laboratory experiments confined them. It would be the same way with humans just on a huge scale. The article spoke volumes in there examples of people thinking they were superior like the crusades, Germans, imperialism, cloning animals and more. This shows throughout history we have tried to conquer or kill, the living things we felt we were better than There where some Europeans who felt the Africans where savages. They conquered them and killed millions of people in the Proses. America spreads democracy across the world, by force because they say it’s the superior way to govern the people. They have future plans to continue this. Thus proving humans who think they are superior or who are, will try to concur the other. Since history and the present agree, it’s a fact that our future will to.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Blog 4

After analyzing the Matrix and Oedipus the King I observed similar concepts and themes. They both
were about the ignorance of human beings in a certain time periods. The matrix was in the future and Oedipus the King was in the past. In the matrix. They both had people who where enlightened and unenlightened and showed the results of it. In the Matrix the people where ignorant to the fact that they where being used by machines as slaves and power sources. In the movie cipher was eating A stack that he knew wasn’t real. He said that ignorance is bliss and that he would rather go back to the matrix and forgets the truth, rather than live the painful inconvenient truth. I in feared that most of the people in the Matrix would have done the same thing. In Oedipus the King, Jokester said listen to me, I beg you. Don’t do this in line 1270. She dint want Oedipus to search further for the truth because it would dishonor her and reveal shameful secrets of After analyzing the Matrix and Oedipus the King I observed similar concepts and themes. They both there family. Neo and Oedipus where both truth seekers who had serious questions about life as they knew it. News was what the Matrix...was Oedipus question was about his family. They both had profits and oracles who predicted their futures. Neo believed the oracle and it helped him become the one. Even though the oracle told him he wasn’t. Oedipus didn’t believe the profits because they told him what he didn’t want to hear. It caused him to be very angry and still fulfill there prophecies the more he tried to run away from them. Neo was happy to accept the truth. Oedipus continues questioned it. In line 1160 Oedipus was ready to kill or exile himself at the thought of the prophecies being true. Oedipus was happy in the beginning as he assumed he was rightfully king in on top of the world. They both did research to find the truth. Neo committed his life to it, by taking the red pill and joining amorphous. Oedipus keep asking the gods, profits, his son and the old sheared to find answers to his question. The knowledge of the truth provided a harsh reality in both texts. The difference was what the main characters did with it. They both taught to search for the truth at all cost. Also the hard dicsion it would be to choose the truth over a lie. The message was to choose the truth at all cost.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Carlos blog3 comment.

The thesis is almost correct to me. The concept of the story is accurate. You used your own words, but it should have been A little longer.There are A few grammatical eras. capitalization, and placement of periods and commas.It was well written besides that. there where no spelling errors and A good choice of words. You didn't state the facts of the passage in order. You added your opinion and own examples.I agree with them, but it wasn't supposed to be in the summary. Your summary should have been a little longer and  detailed. . A sufficent summary is more discriptive of the events that took place.You have the capability to execute A good summary, but you need to to follow instructions.

Monday, October 3, 2011

carlos blog: Blog3

carloThis summary could have been a little longer. I agree with your concept of the syory. It was supposed to be A short summary of the events in the story in order. Opinion was supposed to be lft out.s blog: Blog3: The Allegory Of The Cave In the article, Socrates tried to explain to Glaucon, that p...

Sci Phi 101: Special Project: Interaction with ENG 99

Sci Phi 101: Special Project: Interaction with ENG 99: DUE NEXT MONDAY For this assignment we will leave our cyber-borders and visit the blogs of students in an ENG 099 class. Their class blog...


There are many illusions that have been believed by the people in the world through history. In comparing the allegory of the cave and the matrix, I’ve come to the conclusion that the matrix movie is a more accurate description of the process of giving up illusion and embracing truth. Both texts gave good examples and showed how what the result of giving up illusion and being enlightened. Both showed the trials and tribulation that come with it. The matrix showed that the illusion was false yet was better than the harsh, reality of the world. In the allegory of the cave, Plato spoke about prisoners leaving the cave for a better more enlightened world. In our reality the more knowledge and understanding you obtain the more aware you are of the lies, violence and cruel atrocities happening now also in the pas in future. This the dicideding factor in my division of which was more accurate.
The Atlantic slave trade was one of the worst crimes against humanity the world has ever seen. The African American slaves were torched, put to work for free and millions were killed. They were also indoctrinated and made to believe that light skins were better than dark skin slaves and house slaves were better than field slaves etc. A religion was forced on them and they were stripped of their history. They began to hate one another. The mental slavery the slaves would be afflicted of was even worse. They keep themselves slaves now, killing each other, using drugs, working for slave wages to give back to the master. They believed that being physically free was the greatest thing in the world. When they were freed by Abraham Lincoln for political purposes they celebrated. A lot of them where so scared to provide for themselves and deal with racism that the chose to stay in slavery because it was there comfort zone as harsh as it was. In the matrix cipher became A trader because he fathered the simulated past reality instead of being in a post-apocalyptic world with no sun.  There where slaves that would rather fight than be released into a false reality of freedom.  Neo was similar in some ways. The people where slaves to the machines. Neo chose to take the red pill to be in the real world. Than after finding out the truth, he chose the cruel world instead of the illusion which was a mental slavery.
MY experience in dealing with religious people has shown me that the rather believe that a mystery god makes everything happen. When you teach them about science they say its which craft yet they use it every day for their benefit. It is easier to believe god will do everything for you through prayer than to work also to die and go to heaven. I know you have to work for what you want and need, in all of history No one has ever returned from the grave to tell the living weather he lied or not. The matrix showed clearly the illusion of the system we live in today which is the matrix; the only difference is whose running it.

Monday, September 26, 2011


There are many timeperiods in human history where we have  refused to accept truth and lived under illusions. One was when most people belived in  beleived in witches and witchcrafts in the 14th and 15th centuries. This beleif was centered in Europe, mainly France and Swittzerland. This beleif spread to germany and other countries.  People had the illusion that some women made deals with the devil and performed dark magic. They accused these women of cursing people, poisioning livestock, disrupting institutions, raising the dead, and causing chaos. They considered them whicthes and said that they had to be killed. People started to go on which hunts. They usally burned them when they caught them. People labeld women whiches and they were hunted down and brutally killed, without question most of the time. Certain women were loners or in tune with different knowledge and energies that other people couldnt identify with at the time. Some people learned that whiches didnt exist. The ones who spoke out was useally labeled whichs and killed. People where very religious, they didnt want accept the fact that they ruthlessly murdered people. It contradicted some of their religious texts where their actions would be shunned by God. The result would be death, sin, or not going to heaven. They taught their children of whiches and their parents taught them. They was content with beliving the lie and saveing face. Asking questions was frowned upon, so it was easier to just belieive the lie and kill the witches. In most religons in that timeperiod ther some form of witchcrafts. In the 17th century there was A lot of wars and cultural diffusion that helped most people see that witchcraft was an illusion

summary of Exerpt From The Republic

Socrates had a deep conversation with Glaucon. Plato began to tell Astory about people are enlightened or unlightened. He describes people being chained up and locked in A cave as prisoners. They were in this con dition since childhood. Glaucon visualizes his story. Socrates describes men  and vessels passing by. Glaucon thinks its strange. Socrates and plato agree that the prisoners could only see their shadows in their chained condition. Socrates told him about the prisoners hearing echos and not knowing the origin of it. Socrates said the shadow would be true to them and not the image. socrates decribed with metaphors how the truth would blind them and make them feel more comfortable in the dark. Socrates said reality would dazzle his eyes and he would want refuge in his. Socrates discribes the new percepttions he would have in the upper world such as seeing the reflextions of the water, the sun moon and stars. Glaucon agreed. Socrates said they would begin to worship the sun becaouse of its great power. Socrates and glaucon talked about how much better  it is to know the truth and suffer than it is to be in the dark. Socrates expressed how men wold kill someone who will ttake them out of their comfort zone even if its with truth. Socrates speaks on how you have to see things clearly for what they are and how right or wrong god knows the truth. He spoke about the universal order of things and how you must have it in your life and see things with an open eye.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Blog 1

In A cruel and violent world, I used to believe and advocate world peace. I Realized at A young age that it was impossible because people have conflicting religions, ways of life, history,and  needs for the diminishing natural resources.  There are wars and skirmishes all over the world weather we know it or not. The world is just the current system we live in as a whole, the government and common ways of thinking. Peace is the absence of confusion.

When I was about 12 years old I started to study  phycology, human nature, and history with a more in dept understanding of it. Some people are driven by greed and war and have these problems due to chemical imbalance's in their brains or the way they was raised. Some cultures and races believe they have the rights to run the world in the best interest of their own kind. Survival of the fittest is true, yet there is A balance Of respect for others that’s lacking in our world. The news portrayed  A world of violence,crime and rape .The reporters left out most of the positive things going on.These facts made me feel bitter and pessimistic of almost everything, at one point of my life. I began to have evil thoughts.. After talking to my uncles and getting logical explanations for war, I began ta accept  and realized I shouldn’t let it dictate my life, because it will only breed negative results. I started thinking optimistically and trying to decrease violence in my neighborhood and aspects of life I had controll over.

I feel I am in darkness when it comes to the results of my potential for success. When I achieve things That I thought wasn’t possible for me I'm surprised and feel enlightened by the results. When I stop limiting my potential It will become  kinetic in all areas of my life. I know somethings are mathematically impossible so I have to be realistic.

 Learning from my past beliefs has helped me grow as an indivigual. The process of  diserning my past belief of world peace, and the realization that it wont happen, has tought me valuble life lessons. My potential for success is an ongoing energy I  must stay in tune with to achieve my goals. I ackknowledge the fact that I could still be in the dark about certain things that will come to the light with persistant study. The universe is my university.