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Monday, September 26, 2011


There are many timeperiods in human history where we have  refused to accept truth and lived under illusions. One was when most people belived in  beleived in witches and witchcrafts in the 14th and 15th centuries. This beleif was centered in Europe, mainly France and Swittzerland. This beleif spread to germany and other countries.  People had the illusion that some women made deals with the devil and performed dark magic. They accused these women of cursing people, poisioning livestock, disrupting institutions, raising the dead, and causing chaos. They considered them whicthes and said that they had to be killed. People started to go on which hunts. They usally burned them when they caught them. People labeld women whiches and they were hunted down and brutally killed, without question most of the time. Certain women were loners or in tune with different knowledge and energies that other people couldnt identify with at the time. Some people learned that whiches didnt exist. The ones who spoke out was useally labeled whichs and killed. People where very religious, they didnt want accept the fact that they ruthlessly murdered people. It contradicted some of their religious texts where their actions would be shunned by God. The result would be death, sin, or not going to heaven. They taught their children of whiches and their parents taught them. They was content with beliving the lie and saveing face. Asking questions was frowned upon, so it was easier to just belieive the lie and kill the witches. In most religons in that timeperiod ther some form of witchcrafts. In the 17th century there was A lot of wars and cultural diffusion that helped most people see that witchcraft was an illusion

summary of Exerpt From The Republic

Socrates had a deep conversation with Glaucon. Plato began to tell Astory about people are enlightened or unlightened. He describes people being chained up and locked in A cave as prisoners. They were in this con dition since childhood. Glaucon visualizes his story. Socrates describes men  and vessels passing by. Glaucon thinks its strange. Socrates and plato agree that the prisoners could only see their shadows in their chained condition. Socrates told him about the prisoners hearing echos and not knowing the origin of it. Socrates said the shadow would be true to them and not the image. socrates decribed with metaphors how the truth would blind them and make them feel more comfortable in the dark. Socrates said reality would dazzle his eyes and he would want refuge in his. Socrates discribes the new percepttions he would have in the upper world such as seeing the reflextions of the water, the sun moon and stars. Glaucon agreed. Socrates said they would begin to worship the sun becaouse of its great power. Socrates and glaucon talked about how much better  it is to know the truth and suffer than it is to be in the dark. Socrates expressed how men wold kill someone who will ttake them out of their comfort zone even if its with truth. Socrates speaks on how you have to see things clearly for what they are and how right or wrong god knows the truth. He spoke about the universal order of things and how you must have it in your life and see things with an open eye.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Blog 1

In A cruel and violent world, I used to believe and advocate world peace. I Realized at A young age that it was impossible because people have conflicting religions, ways of life, history,and  needs for the diminishing natural resources.  There are wars and skirmishes all over the world weather we know it or not. The world is just the current system we live in as a whole, the government and common ways of thinking. Peace is the absence of confusion.

When I was about 12 years old I started to study  phycology, human nature, and history with a more in dept understanding of it. Some people are driven by greed and war and have these problems due to chemical imbalance's in their brains or the way they was raised. Some cultures and races believe they have the rights to run the world in the best interest of their own kind. Survival of the fittest is true, yet there is A balance Of respect for others that’s lacking in our world. The news portrayed  A world of violence,crime and rape .The reporters left out most of the positive things going on.These facts made me feel bitter and pessimistic of almost everything, at one point of my life. I began to have evil thoughts.. After talking to my uncles and getting logical explanations for war, I began ta accept  and realized I shouldn’t let it dictate my life, because it will only breed negative results. I started thinking optimistically and trying to decrease violence in my neighborhood and aspects of life I had controll over.

I feel I am in darkness when it comes to the results of my potential for success. When I achieve things That I thought wasn’t possible for me I'm surprised and feel enlightened by the results. When I stop limiting my potential It will become  kinetic in all areas of my life. I know somethings are mathematically impossible so I have to be realistic.

 Learning from my past beliefs has helped me grow as an indivigual. The process of  diserning my past belief of world peace, and the realization that it wont happen, has tought me valuble life lessons. My potential for success is an ongoing energy I  must stay in tune with to achieve my goals. I ackknowledge the fact that I could still be in the dark about certain things that will come to the light with persistant study. The universe is my university.